Nannila Jai Rathna
2 min readOct 13, 2023


How often do you smile in a day?

Do you know, we are born with the ability to smile :)

How often do you find yourself smiling throughout the day? It’s fascinating to know that we’re born with the ability to smile. If you google, you’ll discover that children smile approximately 400 times a day, but this number keeps decreasing as we grow older. But why?

Children live in the moment, finding joy in the present. However, as we age, we are preoccupied with tomorrow’s concerns like exams, pending assignments, bills, and work, and we lose our valuable ‘Now’.

The key to a positive and happy life is to smile more frequently. Consider setting aside a portion of your busy schedule to engage in activities that bring a smile to your face. This is crucial because much of our “me-time” often involves activities like browsing online shopping apps, listening to music, taking strolls in the park, or watching movies and series.

While these activities give a break to our tired minds and attitudes, it’s essential to incorporate things into our day that will make us smile.

For me, reading comics does the trick. I have a collection of classic comic books filled with cute, charming, laughter-packed stories for children. Even if some of the storylines are predictable, they undeniably offer a moment of joy.

Reading children’s comics might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but find what makes you smile and make it an everyday routine. This not only nurtures happiness within but also makes your day more beautiful!



Nannila Jai Rathna

I am a writer by passion and profession! My driving force is to inspire people with a great reading experience!